Category: Essay

  • A survey of ancient and contemporary schools, sects, movements and cults within and outside Islam.

    The existence of various religious schools and denominations is not unique to Islam but is also present in other Abrahamic religions. Indeed, the greater the acceptability of a religion by the people, the more difference of opinion it is likely to have among its followers. It is also natural that an older religion will have…

  • Similarities between Prophet Musa and Prophet Muhammad

    Similarities between Prophet Musa and Prophet Mohammad Syed Sharfuddin “We have sent a messenger to you to be your witness, just as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh” [Al-Quran: Surah Al-Muzammil 73:15] “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren like thee (Moses), and I will put my words…

  • Evolution and Relevance of Fatwa in Islam

    Syed Sharfuddin Fatwa in Islam means a legal opinion given by a Muslim scholar on a matter of concern or interest to Muslims, both individually or collectively, at a set time, situation, location or circumstances. In Islam the institution of fatwa has had a significant impact on the interpretation of Sharia law which governs the…

  • Our Journey through a ten dimensional Universe: an Islamic perspective

    Syed Sharfuddin The string theory of universe states that there are at least ten dimensions that enable a complete view of the cosmos. Humans can see an object in only three dimensions. For example, a one-dimension object is a line. It has only length. To see this, you need to be standing very close to…

  • Keep the Quran but abandon Hadith: A new salvo against Islam

    Syed Sharfuddin There is a gentle  but mischievous campaign going on in some young Muslim internet chat rooms that they should focus on the Quran as the source of Muslim faith but reject hadith (sayings of the holy Prophet) because these were collected several centuries after the demise of the Prophet, peace be upon him…

  • Signs of the Last Hour

    Signs of the Last Hour By Syed Sharfuddin It is one of the fundamental beliefs of Islam that this world is but a temporary abode for the children of Adam who are born here and spend their time on earth, partaking of their appointed provisions, exercising their choice between good and evil and going through…