الحمد لله الذى هدانا لهذا و ما كنا لنهتدى لو لا ان هدانا الله و صلى الله على رسوله المصطفى و نبيه المجتبى و على آله الطيبين و أصحابه الطاهرين اجمعين
و أما بعد اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم و بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و السلام عليكم و رحمته الله و بركاته
- Reading Surah Al-Kahf in Contemporary Times
- Conversations in the Quran
- Meaning of Allaho Akbar
- Witnesses Against Man
- The High Council of Angels
- Comparing Prophets Yahya and Isa
- Worth of a Mosquito
- A survey of ancient and contemporary schools, sects, movements and cults within and outside Islam.
- Similarities between Prophet Musa and Prophet Muhammad
- Qualities of Man: A Combination of Goodness and Evil
- Signs Before the Day of Judgement by Ibn Katheer RA
- Signs of the Last Hour
- Dajjal, the False Messiah
- Explaining Dajjal’s Time on Earth
- Was Prophet Yusuf a King or a Governor
- A spider’s home is the weakest of all homes
- Nabi and Rasul: Similarities and Differences
- The Tablighi Jamaat: A Movement for God
- Destiny and Free Choice
- Evolution and Relevance of Fatwa in Islam
- Thoughts on the Validity of Second Hijrah
- The Concept of Ruh in Islam
- Our Journey through a ten dimensional Universe: an Islamic perspective
- The ungrateful nation of Saba
- Dajjal, the anti Christ
- Why is Islam Uncompromising on Apostasy
- Keep the Quran but abandon Hadith: A new salvo against Islam
- Blowing of Wind: A Sign from Allah
- Bound in Mortgage
- The Parable of Sinners
- The Parable of Orchard Owners
- Prophets, Angels, Jinns and Women mentioned in the Quran
- An Index of Parables, Similitudes, Miracles and Future Events in the Holy Quran
- The Story of Balam bin Bau’ra
- A Model Salat
- An Essay on Jinns
- Allah’s Instructions to Muslims: A Guidance for Mankind: Comparing Surah Al Isra and Al Hujarat.
- Limits of Knowledge: Lesson from Surah Al-Kahaf
- Wahi and Waswasa: Explaining two important meanings in the holy Quran
- The power of imagination: A biblical perspective
- The Sole Purpose of Human Life is to Worship Allah
- Reason takes a back seat in Faith
- Peygambers as Shepherds for their Flock
- President’s Trump is right about using a Very Powerful Light to eradicate the new Coronavirus
- Friday prayers and the pandemic of coronavirus: The Pakistan Context
- کرونا وائرس کی حقیقت اور دابہ الارض
- COVID-19, the Talking Creature of Earth and Sign of End of Time
- Lessons from COVID-19
- Misconception about Animal Sacrifice
- The Muslim Festival of Sacrifice: Origin, Evolution and Purpose
- The Debate about Daarul Aman and Daarul Harb and the Question of Hijrah
- Natural Disasters
- Signs of the Hour
- A Model Eid Khutba in Arabic and English
- Why is Salaat important for a Muslim?
- Prohibition of Alcohol in Islam
- Eid Message (Urdu)
- End of Ramadan Traveeh: Hasil-e- Ibadah
- 27 Ramadan 2019 Dua from Masjid Nabi, saw
- This Azan touched my soul
- Understanding Traveeh in Urdu pdf parts-1-to-27/
- Reflections on Death and Journey to the Hereafter in Urdu pdf
- Complete E-Book Taraveeh ki Soghat in Urdu pdf
- Journey to the Holy Land in Urdu pdf
- Complete E-Book Zalikal Kitab in Urdu pdf
- Complete E-Book Quraner Sogat in Bangla pdf
- Reflections on Innovation in Deen (Bidaa)
- The Significance of Hajj: A New Perspective
- Monday is not the new Friday
- The Charter of Madinah
- Muslim Ummah and Minorities
- Encounter with the Shaitan
- Five Qiblas
- Description of Female in the Quran
- The Power of Bismillah
- Moses and the herb
- Rahman and Raheem
- Nine Regrets
- Does Allah Guide or Misguide?
- Strange are the Ways of God
- In_Sha_Allah, If Allah Wills
- The Friday Sermon: Language, Style and Contents
- The Concept of Rizq in Islam
- Understanding Faith From IT
- Steadfastness and Faith
- Destiny and Choice
- Faith is like the Moon
- Example of Life of the World
- The Winner
- The Loser
- Duas in the Holy Quran
- Signs of Allah
- A Commentary on Muslim Dua
- Safa and Marwa – Allah”s Symbols on Earth
- The Concept of Permanence in Islam
- Dialogues in Monotheism in the Quran
- Lessons from Surah Yusuf in the Quran
- Sustenance
- Hizb Allah and Hizb Shaitan
- The House
- The Straight Way
- Lessons from the Story of Qaroon
- The Story of Taloot, Jaloot and Dawood.
- Parables of Animals in the Quran
- Instruments of Shaitan
- Pure Food: Milk and Honey
- What is Man
- Ramadan and Muslim Charities
- Qualities of a Muslim
- Observing Silence in Mosques
- Time Management
- Chicken
- Bedtime Stories audio
- Bedtime Stories
- Bibliography of Major Commentaries of the Holy Quran Compiled through various sources
- Five Golden Principles of Success
- A Warm Welcome: Who We Are and What We Do