In this spiritual travelogue of the Muslim Holy Land, the author Mr Syed Basheerudin Zamani takes the reader into his personal experience of the journey performed by him to Egypt, the land of the ancient Pharaohs and Moses, and his visit to Harmain Sharifain, the two holiest sites in Islam. It is an interesting travel account by any literary yardstick in the author’s mother tongue Urdu.
Credits for the work are due to many officers of the Pakistan Foreign Office for their generous hospitality and guidance who were posted in Cairo and Jeddah circa 2002, notably Ambassador Anwar Kamal and the Late Tahir Iqbal Butt, Consul General in Jeddah. Credits are also due to Syed Zeeshan Alam Shazli for composing and editing the book which was first printed in Karachi in 2003.
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Content posted by: Syed Sharfuddin
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