Nine Regrets

🔴 Syed Sharfuddin

The Holy Quran describes certain regrets which people will express on the Day of Judgement when they will stand before their Lord in humility and admission of their transgressions. These regrets represent the essence of Islam in three elements: belief and obedience to one God, following in the footsteps of His apostle and doing good deeds.

Anyone who makes these three elements the focus of his faith is guaranteed success. He will see this with his own eyes on the Day of Judgement.

May Allah give us the understanding to do good deeds in this life so that on the Day of Judgement we are not standing before our Lord regretting and wishing if we could only be sent again to the world to make amends for our faults, for there is only one life and one death on earth and it is not going to be repeated again.

“ياليتني – كنت معهم فأفوز فوزاً عظيما”
I wish I had been with them (the faithful people) to achieve great success
(سورة النساء 4:73)

“يا ليتنا – نرد ولا نكذب بايات ربنا ونكون من المومنين”
We wish we had not rejected nor falsified the signs of our Creator and had been His faithful servants
(6:27 سورة الأنعام)

“يا ليتني – لم أشرك بربي احداً”
I wish I had not taken someone as a partner to Allah
(18:سورة الكهف 42)

“ياليتني – اتخذت مع الرسول سبيلا”
I wish I had followed in the footsteps of the Apostle
(سورة الفرقان 25:27)

“ياليتني – لم أتخذ فلاناً خليلا”
I wish I had not taken someone other than Allah as my Saviour
(25:سورة الفرقان 28)

“ياليتني – كنت ترابا”
I wish I could return to dust
(78:سورۃ نبإِ 30)

“ياليتنا – أطعنا الله وأطعناالرسولا”
We wish we had obeyed Allah and His Apostle
(سورة الأحزاب 33:66)

“ياليتني – لم أوت كتابيه”
I wish I had not been given the account of my deeds
(سورة الحاقة 69:25)

“ياليتني – قدمت لحياتي”
I wish I had prepared for my next life
(89:سورة الفجر 24)






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